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Why donate to Youth Alive? Your donation can have a big impact on our programs for young lives & traumatized families in Oakland.

Teens on Target impact

Teens on Target engages students to teach their peers to prevent violence and transform their communities.
Students engaged by 93 TNT leaders through 114 violence prevention workshops in the 2022-2023 school year.
Number of 1:1 . mentoring hours TNT leaders received in the 2022 - 2023 school year.
Number of community engagements TNT leaders participated in in the city of Oakland.
Teens on Target impact
But my favorite TNT thing is what we do in the second half of the year, when we go into the middle school classrooms and speak to the younger students about violence prevention. We do skits and read poems. After they do our workshops they all want to come to Castlemont and join TNT. Some of them do and they remember me and come up to me in the hallway and say they’d seen me at their middle school. Now I’m the older one. Because of TNT, I’m a role model.
Miracle, TNT Graduate

Violence Interruption impact

Our guardians of peace delicately navigate tension within our community, extinguishing individual and group conflicts and stopping violence before it starts.
number of mediations conducted in Oakland resulting in 164 resolutions.
Number of safety assessments at hospital bedsides of shooting victims.
Number of families in danger relocated to safety.
Violence Interruption impact
What we do as Violence Interrupters is provide the possibility of an alternative outcome. An alternative to getting arrested, to getting shot, or getting killed. We elevate better options for people.
Antoine Towers, Lead Violence Interrupter

Caught in the crossfire IMPACT

Our Intervention Specialists meet survivors of violence at their hospital bedside and provide practical and logistical services to support healing.
Clients Served
of our 171 clients were not re-injured
clients received short term crisis intervention
Caught in the crossfire IMPACT

I can’t fully express what Youth Alive has meant to me, and to my family. After I got shot, it was a long, painful recovery. I thought that was it. Youth Alive helped me heal, helped me find a voice, and gave me a purpose. I would not be where I am today without my case manager, and the opportunities I’ve gotten as a result of my time with Youth Alive.


Caheri, former YA! client, staff member, and current Board member

Pathways IMPACT

Pathways connects justice-involved youth with experienced Intervention Specialists to provide post-release services.
number of youth mentored in the 2022-2023 Pathways program. 13 of whom re-enrolled in school.
New jobs started by Pathways youth in 2022.
number of new schools introducing the Pathways program to their at-risk students
Pathways IMPACT
Working with my mentor was the first time someone really believed in me and my potential. They always showed up for me, checked in on me, and told me they were proud of me. I never knew how much I needed to hear that. Now I’m proud of myself.
17 Year Old Pathways Client

Khadafy Washington Project Impact

We serve nearly 100% of families of Oakland homicide victims with financial, emotional, and practical support in the aftermath of losing a loved one to violence.
number of families affected by homicide served by KWP, including some outside of Oakland
number of family members who participated in 13 Circle of Care healing circles
Khadafy Washington Project Impact
Marilyn and Tammy helped me through the worst time of my life, but that was only the beginning of my relationship with Youth Alive. There is life after a tragedy like mine. I’m grateful to Youth ALIVE! for helping me find that life.
Annette Miller, YA! Client

Counseling Services IMPACT

We provide healing-centered individual and group counseling sessions to support individuals impacted by trauma and violence.
Number of clients served in 2022
Number of counseling hours provided by Youth Alive.
number of hours of individual mental health services provided through intensive individual outreach.
Counseling Services IMPACT
While there is still a big stigma in our community on mental health services, we at Youth Alive know that mental health is part of physical health. We also know that while hurt people can hurt people, healed people have the power to foster healing in others.
Angelina Gutierrez, mental health counselor

Legislative Action Impact

We use Youth Alive’s 30 years of experience and expertise in addressing violence and serving victims and survivors of crime to develop policy solutions at the local, statewide, and national level.
SB 655
Equitable Access to Victim Compensation: Would ensure more people can access healing resources by addressing the barriers to eligibility victims and survivors experience when applying for victim compensation benefits
SB 838
Equal Access for Victims of Police Violence: Expands eligibility for the Victim Compensation Program by making victims of police violence eligible, and ensures the survivors of homicide victims can receive benefits regardless of whether they cooperate with police. Also makes sure that biased or unfair police reports do not prevent people from getting the healing resources they need
Legislative Action Impact
This work requires constant, intentional outreach, creating platforms to hear directly from those closest to the issue and convert what they are saying into policy change. It is something that, because of our position in the community, really only Youth Alive! is able to do.
Gabriel Garcia, Policy & Advocacy Director

Advocacy for Change impact

Youth Alive’s advocacy work is centered around the experiences of our youth, clients, and staff, and we create platforms to hear, capture, and share their stories to better inform policymakers.
Funds allocated for Trauma Recovery Centers in the California Victims Compensation Program
Funds allocated for Flexible Assistance to Survivors of Violence in the California Victims Compensation Program
Advocacy for Change impact
Youth Alive’s advocacy ignited my voice for systemic change, empowering me to shape a brighter future for our community. I never thought a lawmaker cared about what happened to me. Now I know my voice is essential.
Kim, 15 year old TNT participant