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Pathways is a mentoring case management program that connects at-promise youth with experienced intervention specialists who provide mentorship, educational assistance, legal aid, employment support, and life skills training.

About Pathways

Pathways is Youth Alive’s mentoring case management program for youth at risk for exposure to violence, on probation, or emerging from a period of incarceration.

Our model involves regular, consistent contact with a focus on positive adult attention and support to build relationships. We meet the youth where they are: physically, mentally, and emotionally. Our staff are recruited from the community and share similar experiences to the youth we serve.

Pathways regularly helps youth re-enroll in school and find employment in addition to providing another caring adult in a young person’s life.

Youth Alive introduced school-based Pathways Intervention Specialists at Castlemont and Rudsdale High School in 2023.

Pathways Impact

youth served in 2023.
of the youth served by the Pathways program in 2023 were enrolled in an educational program.
clients obtained a GED, and 6 clients obtained a high school diploma.
clients received job assistance, and 11 participated in vocational programs.
I work closely with Sasha, my case manager, who is helping support me to stay in school, finish my GED, and eventually reach my dream of becoming a carpenter. My dad, who has passed, was also a carpenter. The stipend I receive for staying on track really motivates me and makes me feel good about myself.