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Damari Marsh

Violence Interrupter | (510) 459-9007

Born and raised in Oakland, Damari Marsh brings a deep understanding of the city’s complexities to his role as a Violence Interrupter. Growing up amidst both the challenges and opportunities of the old Oakland, Damari experienced firsthand the impact of community support and positive role models. Raised in North Oakland’s Bushrod neighborhood, he cherishes memories of vibrant afterschool programs and recreational activities that provided a safe haven for local youth, particularly the program ran by his aunt, Leslie, whom Damari described as his hero.

Despite facing adversity and the allure of street life, Damari’s journey led him to reflect on the legacy he wanted to leave for his son. Inspired by his own transformation and guided by a desire to break the cycle of violence, he embarked on a path of personal and professional growth. From navigating the streets to driving trucks and working with Operation Dignity, Damari’s journey ultimately led him to Youth ALIVE!, where he found a calling aligned with his innate ability to connect with others.

As a Violence Interrupter at Youth ALIVE!, Damari brings a unique blend of empathy, street smarts, and community insight to his work. He embodies the organization’s ethos of compassion and commitment, believing that every individual has the potential for positive change. For Damari, hope lies in witnessing transformation, both in the lives of those he serves and within his own family. Through his dedication and unwavering belief in the power of change, Damari continues to inspire hope and resilience in the heart of Oakland.

Headshot of Violence Interrupter Damari Marsh