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Teens on Target

At Teens on Target (TNT), students from Oakland neighborhoods most affected by violence learn to honor their own stories, to use their experience to make change, and to teach their peers to avoid and prevent violence.

About teens on target

TNT participants learn a youth-authored violence prevention curriculum and present interactive violence prevention workshops to middle school students across the city. They learn to speak to the media and to city leaders about their stories and their own ideas for change and engage in advocacy efforts in their communities.

TNT provides work experience; paying students for their developing violence prevention expertise and presentation skills reinforces the importance of their violence prevention efforts.

Teens on target History

This all began with a group of 1989 Castlemont High School students who were growing up in one of Oakland’s most violent communities. They wanted to understand the violence around them and find ways to prevent it. Those students developed the TNT violence prevention curriculum and advocacy manual as a way of initiating a public discussion of violence, its causes and prevention and becoming part of the solution.

Teens On Target Impact

Students engaged by 82 TNT leaders through 91 violence prevention workshops in the 2023-2024 school year.
1:1 mentoring hours TNT leaders received in the 2023-2024 school year.
Community engagements TNT leaders participated in in the city of Oakland.
Before Teens on Target, my grades were slipping. I had no direction or passion. The program pushed me to do more for the community and to set goals for myself. Not only did I graduate at the top of my class, but I was also given the opportunity to speak at my graduation.
Smooth, Teens on Target graduate


Interested in starting your own violence prevention program?
Download the Teens on Target Program Manual and Advocacy Manual.